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About CFL / Cofilin:

cofilin plays a role in the depolymerization of actin microfilaments.

CFL Structure
Cofilin or CFL as it is also known is a protein similar to destrin that is part of the ADF/cofilin family of small ADP-binding proteins. There are two types of cofilin CFL1, coding for cofilin 1 (non-muscle, or n-cofilin) and CFL2, coding for cofilin 2 (found in muscle: m-cofilin).

Cofilin Function
Cofilin is associated with several functions including cell transcription regulation, cell motility, and muscle contraction. Cofilin is important to these processes because it prompts dynamic instability of the actin microfilaments. This is because cofilin is an actin-binding protein associated with rapid depolymerization of actin microfilaments.
Indeed, cofilin is responsible for the depolymerization at the minus end of filaments, thus preventing their reassembly.

CFL Mechanism
Cofilin prevents filament reassembly in two ways. The first is by depolymerizing old actin filaments. While the second is by creating new ends for polymerization. In essence, what this process does is cause the molecule to twist. This, then adds strain to the molecule and therefore destabilizes it.
This twisting process is then enhanced as the actin-depolymerizing factor then binds to the destabilized F-actin. This is a process that is made possible because the actin-depolymerizing factor can insert the central helix into the cleft between the first and third actin subunits.
This change in the F-actin causes the molecule to twist further and become even more destabilized. Therefore, effectively severing the bond between the actins and effectively depolymerizing the filament.