Processing Of Precursor

Processing Of Precursor

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About POP / Processing of Precursor:

Processing of precursor - also known as POP - is a gene that encodes for the ribonuclease P complex and the endoribonuclease for mitochondrial RNA processing complex.

POP Structure
POP exists in several protein chain variants - POP1, POP4, POP5, and POP7 - alongside other protein chains in the ribonuclease RNA moiety. Some parts of POP - such as POP1 and POP7 form the “finger” sub complex, while others, such as POP5, form the “palm.” This allows POP to give the structure a unique shape that allows it to carry out its task.
There are several subunits of the RNase MRP complex. This structure consists of a catalytic RNA moiety that features eight protein subunits, including POP1 and POP7 as well as potentially POP4 and POP5.

Processing of Precursor Function
The POP4 gene is a component of the ribonuclease P complex. Cells use this structure to generate mature tRNA molecules by cleaving them at their 5’ ends. Related to POP are processes such as tRNA processing and ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotic cells.

POP Diseases
Like many other protein coding genes, POP4 has diseases associated with it when it does not function correctly. For instance, some people may develop intra-cystic papillary adenoma. This is a rare condition that produces malignant tumours on the breast, most commonly found in post-menopausal women.
Issues with the POP gene can also cause another condition called dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency. In this condition, the body cannot break down nucleotides, thymine and uracil. Many people with the diseases do not display any obvious signs, while others have lasting symptoms that persists from childhood.