Chromosome Open Reading Frame

Chromosome Open Reading Frame

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About ORF / Chromosome Open Reading Frame:

An Open Reading Frame (ORF) is the part of molecular genetics that can be decoded or translated. The reading frame divides the sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA (nucleic acid molecule). The ORF has a start codon, a UAG and no stop codon, usually UGA, UAG or UAA. The start codon usually signifies where the translation starts and needs a stop codon to stop the transcription. The transcription termination site is typically located after the ORF and the transmission stop codon.

ORF Composition
The DNA composition of the open reading frame contains three sequences of base pairs. The DNA molecule can translate into six reading frames, three in the forward direction and three backwards. The ORF can be read in any order.
DNA is the repetition of As, Cs, Ts, and Gs in RNA using a transcribed language, later translated to a protein. The protein reads a three-letter sequence known as codons which can either be UUU, AAA or AUG. A molecular machine, a ribosome, interprets the codons that transform the protein into an amino acid where each codon codes appropriately.

Open Reading Frame Size
An ORF can be any length, sometimes consisting of 300, 600 or longer amino acids. The longer the open reading frame is, the more time it will take before getting to a stop codon which ends the transcription.

ORF Function
Open Reading Frames assist in gene prediction where the ORF and other evidence identify functional RNA coding or protein-coding locations of a DNA sequence. However, an ORF presence doesn’t always lead to a translation.